
Crumblz and
Chick o' Stick have been proclaimed to taste like "the insides of a Butterfingers bar omgzed" by just about every vegan who tries them.I say vegan because my little brother shrugged his shoulders and said maybe not.
But,the thing is that they do.
And I even took some Crumblz,lined then up on some parchment,coated them in leftover ganache,and they were just like Butterfinger BBs.
Pros/Cons of Crumblz:
really peanut buttery
totally melt in yr mouth,save for a peanut now and again
come in a chocolate cococnut macadamia flavour(!!!)
really crumbly so when you add to ice cream there's little crumbs everywhere in the ice cream for you to eat!
all natural,no preservatives/nasty stuff
expensive and not sold in Canada,or a lot of places,like Whole Foods in Seattle

fun colour,right?!
Pros/Cons of Chick o' Stick:
pretty peanut buttery,but also quite coconutty-it IS a peanut butter toasted coconut candy.THOUGH,with crumblz you get plain,and there's a coconut one!
cheap!sold in lots of places like the scary run down convenience store near King station in Seattle!
no transfats,like you may expect!
melt in yr mouth,until you get some coconut
artificially coloured,but it IS a fun colour,right?

So,with this in mind I must say that
Crumblz! is the winner!
It was somewhat of a difficult competition,because I do really like Chick O Stick,but Crumblz are so go eff-bombing good,and yeah,a lot peanut butter-y-er.
I brought back two bags of Crumblz with me from Portland earlier this month,and one Chick O Stick rod.
It's all gone,now.
I brought the Chick O' Stick out at Canadian thanksgiving ummm lunch thingy and offered it to everyone,and my sisters friends from acting class were really impressed.I think everyone had some except for Daniel,but he's a bisque who was angry that there were Sarah's guests because it meant less food/tofurkey for him,but then the next day I brought him all this free Tofurkey I got,so whatever.
Anyways,I actually got the Chick O Stick right outside of Olympia at a gas station driving back with Isa and Justin-it was about 9:30 or 10pm and I had eaten like nothing but a piece of chocolate at Taste of Health earlier that day,so I got a Chick O Stick.Justin said I was gross,I think.But then I fell asleep and next thing I knew I was in Portland.
p.s Crumblz and /or Chick O' Stick,send me free stuff!I could nmake so many awesome desserts incorporating yr candies,it would be great PR!