Friday, October 26, 2007

Toasted Coconut Marshmallows(Sweet & Sara)

Toasted Coconut Marshmallows!the Sweet & Sara ones!they came in the mail for me today!my brother kept berating me since i'd never just eat marshmallows if i wasn't vegan,but these are toasted coconut!and they're incredible.he even said they're better than any non-vegan marshmallow he ever had,but also that a marshmallow is a freakin marshmallow.but these are special because they're toasted coconut!
and i'd like to thank jess for posting pics of these last month and making me feel such a desire to get them.
i like these way more than the vegansweets ones,which are just okay.these are more like marshmallows,but just a little bit moister,so they're like a candy,but still clearly a marshmallow.



Picture 269

Picture 268


BitterSweet said...

Ohh man, you're so lucky...! I've been dying to try their vanilla ones just for comparison to the VeganSweets marshmallows, but they're so crazily expensive, I have a lot of trouble justifying it. Looks delicious though...!

Melisser; the Urban Housewife said...

You are too cute! I don't like shredded coconut, but I've been putting the vanilla ones on a skewer & toasting them over the flame of my stove. They. are. AMAZING.