Cow Ribbons.
for mother's day-my good friend glenn from vancouver,a founding and most prominent member of liberation bc and all around amazing animal activist, was in town this weekend,and we had a lot of fun,but first i would like to mention liberation bc's latest project-cow ribbons.
"On dairy farms, calves are taken from their mothers at birth. The male calves are sold for veal or just thrown away.
This Mother’s Day, remember those who never got to experience the joy of motherhood."
here's more info.
get yr own cow ribbon here.
so,moving on to more frivolous topics,how about some delicious recent baking(and eating out with glenn!)that did NOT involve harming cows...
C is for...

Rescue Chocolate Peanut Butter Pitbull.
oh-hey!something else for a good cause!oh AND the BEST chocolate bar ever,perhaps.
sarah gross makes these bars and the profits go to animal rescue organizations and they're probably the best bar ever.at first i thought "butterfingers" but no,it's actually exactly like a reese's peanut butter cup.so freaking good.oh my god.i wish i didnt know sarah now,it's gonna be hard not to buy them if i see her more often!


Rescue Chocolate 'Good Egg'.
at first i was disappointed that it wasn't a vegan cadbury egg,but then i tasted the smoothest,creamiest,truffle-y chocolate filling ever and ate the whole thing without looking back.thanks sarah.can't wait for the diabetes.

the good egg.it's good.

Cinnamon Raisin Banana Danish.
cinnamon spiked vanilla cream cheese filling with mixed raisins and banana creme and slices.
WHY do bananas and cinnamon not go together ALL the time?!practically made in heaven.

glenn-and danish.
speaking of cinnamon...

Cinnamon Apple Banana Bread.
caramelized cinnamon sugar apples in classic banana bread.
with more of those lovely slices a top.zomg.lisa,who i didn't even know ate any,complimented how good it was the next day!

with a small latte at,duh,stumptown,in the ace hotel.

p.s it's REALLY good with peanut butter,too.
more bananas,more c's...

Banana Coffee Cake.
the perfecr breakfast for glenn's first morning here.like banana bread,not as tall,and though,like with all coffee cake,the best part is the fat crumb topping.i used to to go to starbucks and get chocolate chip coffee cake and eat only the topping.har.

coffee cake and cappuccino.
but now i just go to stumptown and eat the top off my own coffee cake.har.

c is for coffee.
glenn wanted one a second cup of coffee,didn't want to wait in line,ordered a french press in the lobby,and got about a litre more.we shared.

top heavy.
what else was baked,you may ask?
how about..cookies!with coconut!and some with chocolate!

Oatmeal Coconut Walnut Raisin Everything Cookies.
or,as ariela says, "the best cookies ever".
i went with glenn to have lunch on monday with another amazing activist,jasmin singer who later on sent me an email calling them "otherwordly".
me?personally,i could eat a bowl of just the cookie dough.love it a lot.especially the raisins,is that lame?
well,if raisins aren't yr fave fruit,how about figs?

Oatmeal Coconut FIG Almond Chocolate Chunk Cookies.
raisins for CALIMYRNA figs,walnuts for almonds and the addition of chocolate.heavenly.
but wait...the chocolate was specific and special...

these was no peanut butter in the cookies-but this was the special chocolate!

SEE?it's all in the dough.


sammich time?

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies.

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.
i've been posting variations of these cookies for years...is there ANYTHING left to say?!

dough on sheet.

Oatmeal Raisin Cookiewhich at Babycakes.
this was really good.i LOVE their coconut oil based frosting,especially between 2 oatmeal raisin cookies.or just a frosting shot.
or on a...

Carrot Cake Cupcake.
i never go to babycakes,but a canadian was visiting and we had to go to all the great standby vegan places...
and did you read the title?
did it sound a bit esoteric or unexpected?
well,'c' IS for...

Carrot Cake Ice Cream.
with hot peanut caramel sauce and caramel marshmallow ice cream
at lula's sweet apothecary.duh.where else?

lars & i.
and then glenn had first first lula's experience...

some crazy banana split.don't even ask-glenn was ecstatic.

i just had some other crazy amazing sundae...


there was also strawberry and cakebatter softserve twist,to go.

caramel marshmallow.

and i guess i'll end with some restaurants.
i was lucky enough to go to candle 79 last week.and share a bottle of fancy red wine,and see alec baldwin,and oh yeah,eat amazing food!

mexican chocolate brownie with caramelized banana,candied pecans,and coconut milk ice cream.

individual strawberry pie with vanilla bean ice cream.
oh gawd.
sorry there isn't a million pictures,i took a million,but bad lighting + half a bottle of red wine + me = funny.

'live' coconut pad thai

tessa wasn't just pregnant with a real baby-a food baby too.i think we all were...
another fun and C apporopriate restaurant experience...
ariela took me to counter for brunch.
here's some sweets.

bread basket with chocolate hazelnut "spread"-it didn't actually spread and a strawberry spread,which was good,but very salty!

pretty colour.

it came with an assortment of sweet spreads and raspberry and bluberry muffins.muffins were sweeter,but i actually liked the breads more.we were sooo stuffed afterwards.this was good,but the savoury stuff wasn't special,really.
oh another note on eating out with glenn

'sinner bar' at sacred chow.
AMAZING home made chocolate,caramel,coconut,candy bar.
do you see how many 'C's that was!?!
thanks for the recommendation,jasmin,it was sooo good.
the sammiches were awesome.too.

orange bbq seitan.wait..not a sweet/dessert...!
moving on...

c if for coffee.duh.

coava guest espresso macchiato @ grumpy in greenpoint.
i feel ashamed for not remebering where(besides what roaster)it was from,or any other info,
but i remember it being slightly sweet,and really nutmeg-y and punchy.sara chan and i just had too much to blab about and catch up on,i guess...

macchiato at everyman espresso.
sarah said she's been pre infusing in the afternoons when it's slower and this from last thursday was like a 3oz shot of milkshake.

kenya guest espresso from novo at kaffe 1668.
blogged about this a few weeks ago,but c'mon!c'mon!
SO incredible-too bad it's gone now...
though macchiatos are great,i still prefer straight up espresso-

most mornings...

and instead of ending with coffee,here's another ballpoint pen drawing i did.

'c' is for chicken.