Caramel Peanut Butter Apple Bars
The recipe Isa and Ijdi created with the date nut diamond crust and with extra caramel sauce.I made the peanut butter caramel sauce,then took brown rice syrup,brown sugar,maple syrup,earth balance,and vanilla soymilk and cooked it in a saucepan until caramel-y.These were incredible.I took them to my ex-teacher's house for tea and to meet her partner.Mmmm.So good.

Gingerbread Women and other things
I wanted to make the gingerbread punks and give them to everyone I knew as presents since I don't buy presents and for the people I really love I bake them something special or make them a paiting/drawing,so this would be fast,but I ended up going to Seattle and seeing Kimya Dawsona and eating awesome veganness instead,so I just made these with my new 12-piece cookie cutter set.Some are dipped in chocolate,some are plain,it's vanilla "royal icing",and those are vegan m&m's(smarties if you're canadian) Wizzers,which I got at Sidecar for Pig's Peace in Seattle.

I've never heard of or had a lamington,but for Christmas my sister asked that we bake together a bunch of stuff for her to take to her boyfriend's family's house.A woman at her work is Austrlian and this is a traditional dessert they eat.Spongecake smothered with chcoolate frosting rolled in coconut.Don't ask why but my sister now had her heart set on bringing this.My sister doesn't bake so it would be a thing where she would help me or whatever her plan was.So Christmas Eve I get off the bus from Seattle at 2pm,come home,preset the oven is the first thing I do as I walk in the door,start baking,she comes home from work at 2:30,takes a shower,and then at 3 decides she's not going to help bake and go to my dad's house with the rest of the family to celebrate christmas eve while I get to sty at the house alone and bake for her.I got to "celebrate" with them 4 hours later when I was done making her lamington,brownies,and nanaimo bars as well as cleaning.Wow,reading this,I sound really bitter and resentful,which I was at the time,but now I really don't care.ANYWAYS,it was super tasty!

So good.So amazing,icredible,most,fudgy,don't-taste-like-tofu,don't taste like vegan,just amazing,better than my mom used to make,and my dad even kept a lot of them,and he almost never optionally keeps baked goods anymore(he's into pilates now...need I say more?)So they were great.

with purely decadent turtle trails soy delicious

I made a peanut butter variation aswell.
Nanaimo Bars
If you've never had a real Nanaimo Bar,please don't try to make up a recipe for them.Just about all of the nanaimo bar/vegan nanaimo bar recipes I found on the internet were crap and you could tell these people had never really had one or just wanted to mustardize them completely.So I half made up the recipe for these.I made them twice in a week and a half.Yummy.