Okay,so when I was in California I went to Native Foods a bunch of times,a couple times just to get their peanut butter parfaits.Which are
"Creamy peanut butter blend with crumbled Boogies."The "boogies" are "Wheat flour, bananas, almonds, oats, coconut, chocolate chips and jungle vanilla. Take one to go!".
I've had the cookbook for a few years now and there's a recipe in it for the boogie bars.though there's no recipe in the book for the peanut butter blend,it was super easy to figure out.

So I made some
Peanut Butter Parfaits!
peanut butter parfait #1:
peanut butter blend/mousse
peanut butter granola
chocolate chips
sliced banana
and a peanut shaped peanut butter truffle on top.

peanut butter parfait #2:
peanut butter blend/mousse
boogie bar bits n pieces
chocolate chips.
this is what they make at Native.
Boogie Bar.
my sister brought this back for me from NYV.i was so excited.then i saw it at the stores here 2 days later.it took like what,5 years to get the other flavours?jesus.
These are
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies.The recipe is from vegweb,but I ended up not following it because a lot of the comments said that the brownie part was cakey,and I wanted brownies,so I just used the brownie recipe I always make.Then there's a layer of cookie dough.Best part.And a simple hard chocolate topping.Really,really rich and sweet.But that's probably why they're so delicious.