Classic Chocolate Chip Cookiessame standard recipe veganized from my mom.i'm sure i've posted it before.
Bluberry Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream and Vegan m&ms(Whizzers)
standard vanilla cuppers from VCTOTW but with chocolate chips and bluberries.Insane amounts of frosting.I brought these to BLINGO at
BLIM last month and everyone said they reminded them of Dr.Seuss.We watched "Get Crazy",it's a great movie.Blim is really awesome and Yuriko actually has a bingo machine with blowing air and everything.Oh,and people really liked the cupcakes,and I won the first bingo.I still haven't put up the wallpaper stuff though.

Peanut Butter Mousse Cake and Peanut Butter Mousse Solothanks brandy.this is an incredible dessert and people at the
EarthSave potluck go batshits over it.