Sunday, October 26, 2008

Vegan MoFo Day 26:Fluffernutter!!!

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it has a theme song,apparently.

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I had two tubs of RiceMellow,but the open one was all yellow and gloopy,not fluffy!Probably because I bought it in January.But I had a new one,all fluffy and nice!

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as you can see,very time consuming and difficult to make.
Now,why just make one for myself when I could make one for my little brother who comes home everyday from school and makes a peanut butter and jam sammich?I don't think he's always done this,but I haven't,and still dont,lived with him for like 3 years,so maybe...

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his verdict was that marshmallow fluff is good,but doesn't go on a peanut butter sammich.But c'mon,look at the guy,he clearly knows nothing about peanut butter.

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The first time I had marshmallow fluff was ricemellow which brandy gave me when I was buying all of her pantry stuff when she was moving to Ontario(p.s if yr reading this,wtf,i'm here!) and had an almost empty tub.All I had really heard about the stuff was these sammiches or rice krispies treats.So I went home,and made one on a bagel and before ate a ton of spoonfuls of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff.So good.Then I felt sick.Wait,actually no,in December 2006 when Anne and I went to Seattle to see Kimya Dawson at Dearborne House we went to Sidecar and Anne bought some!She didn't know that marshmallows weren't vegetarian,but she wasn't vegan either.Then we went to Wayward Cafe and she ate slices of her margarined bread that came with the scramble we shared with the fluff on top.Maybe this why I forgot,because I was grossed out and try not to remember those types of things.Anyways,I had some later that night on raspberry chocolate chip soy ice cream.And he mom ate a bunch with melted cheese.Yeah,again with the trying not to remember.

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In closing,yay fluffernutters!Sticky,messy,gooey,marshmallow-y,peanut butter-y sammiches that are apparently okay for lunch at school because kids hate healthy food!Yay!


  1. omg!!! i make these all the time with ricemellow creme!! they are delcious...and i am glad to hear that i am not crazy, b/c lots of my friends had never even heard of fluffernutters, so they thought it sounded ick. losers. anyway, these are also really good with sliced up bananas on them and with the bread toasted!!! i highly recommend this practice, as it will improve your life greatly :)

  2. Oh. So. Oozy.

    I haven't had Ricemellow in...years, actually.

  3. We eat lots of Fluffernutters at my house! I like to grill them to make the insides all melty & the bread crisp!

  4. you guys!
    how good would a ricemellow panini be?!
    i never eat these almost,but i probably will be more now.
