Friday, February 15, 2008

I <3 U Cookie Cake,Fig Not Ins,and Peanut Apple Pretzel Drops

Happy Valentines Day!
I was inspired to make this by Miranda and Robert from Sex and the City.You know what episode i'm talking about.


Picture 892

Picture 896



So for some reason I was compelled to use the chocolate chip cookie dough from vwav to make this.I've of course made it before considering i've had the book over 2 years now(holy wow) but I have another chocolate chip cookie recipe I use.But I made it and good god this recipe is incredible.Wow.and the cookie dough by itself is even make these cookie.Or one giant heart shaped cookie,w/e.
I see Melisser has been making them frequently lately.I completely understand why.

Fig Not Ins from Vegan with a Vengeance.
just like fig newtons.but better.and they're homemade,and you can feel proud that you made cookies that look like they're straight outta the box.did i mention how much i love dried figs(and fresh figs!)and eat them pretty much every day?

and did you know that i only now understand that fig not in sounds like fig newton and is a play on the name.i just assumed it was isa being badass or whatever she thinks she is and calling them not in because being not in is more punk than being in.but not,it's not in said like clever.

because apparently the vegan jason schwartzman likes to eat organic fig cookies with almond myth.

Peanut Apple Pretzel Drops from the ppk cookie book test kitchen.
The phrase "party in my mouth" was made for these.seriously.pretzels(!).my mind is boggled.oh,and some have chocolate chips in them.yum.



  1. I always end up with an odd amount of the chocolate chip cookies from eating so much of the dough! SO good!

    I was going to make the pretzel-apple drops, but I'm not so in to the dried apple. I thought it would be fresh!

  2. Mmm. That cookie looks amazing! I sure do know what episode you're talking about. =)

  3. LOVE the cookie-cake; and yes, I know the episode as well, haha :0D

    oh my, those pretzel-drops and fig-not-ins look INCREDIBLE as well - yum!!

  4. I stumbled across your blog, and I'm so excited to see another skinny vegan like me who really does eat. Are you trying to gain weight too? Have you found anything that seems to work better than other things? Or have you found anything that works to say to the people who accuse you of being a bad vegan role model? I always have a hard time knowing what to say when people say, "Just eat a steak and you'll put on pounds!"

    Anyway, I'd love to hear from someone who seems to be in a similar boat as me... leave a comment on my blog or you can email me at

    And enjoy that beautiful cookie cake :o)

  5. I'm ging to be making the fig not-ins very soon. And when are you gonna post the recipe for those banana choco-chip peanut butter rolls, yo?

  6. Uh, vegans don't have to look like that FYI. There are plenty of "pound putting on" foods that don't come from animals. Your partner in crime a few posts up needs to learn about nutrition. Girl damn I could use you to floss. Eat some of the things you bake, don't just post pictures of them hovering around your mouth. You'll live longer.
