Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vegan MoFo Day#20-Peanut Butter and Banana Bread pt.2-Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Sammiches & PB&J on Banana Bread

peanut butter and banana on chocolate chip banana bread sammich

peanut butter and banana chocolate chip sammich on banana bread.

well,yeah.basically a pb&b on that banana bread i made,but the chocolate chip part.the chips that fell off went into the sammich.
million dollar delicious idea,if i say so myself.really,i don't need to explain.peanut butter and banana.banana bread.chocolate.needs a nice glass of (non-dairy)milk.mmm.

peanut butter and banana on chocolate chip banana bread sammich

peanut butter and banana on chocolate chip banana bread sammich

pb&j on banana bread
pb&j on banana bread sammich.

and if that's too much banana for you,why not try a pb&j on banana bread?strawberry jam?gawd.
or both,that would be nice.pb&j&b on banana bread...
anything specific anybody else likes to do with banana bread?(besides 'eat it',duh...)