Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Vegan MoFo Day#13-Peanut Butter S'mores and Proof that Rachael Ray DOES Have Good Taste and Is The Genius I Think She Is...

Sweet and Sara Peanut Butter S'mores.

so,you probably know that i'm a pretty big sweet and sara vegan marshmallow fan, as well as a huge fan of rachael ray, despite so many vegans hating her. once i even arranged for an internet friend to mail me a sample size bottle of her own evoo.

proof,afterall,that ray ray is a genius with great taste buds.you go rayray!

i wrote about these last year for mofo,and even took pictures in a photobooth eating one.they're the best.not just a peanut butter cookie bottom,but the graham cracker AND a thick layer of peanut butter filling/spread.yummo,indeed.

and speaking of sweet and sara,back in june when visiting portland for the let live animal rights conference and just general good times,jess and i tried these:

they're were like fluffy cinnamon toast crunch.phenomenal.

s'mores danish
that was also the trip that i made and brought s'mores danishes with some sweet and saras and some dandies.

and with some marshies i had brian pick me up before he visited in may.

oh,and lest we forgot,the s'mores cake i made in march'08 for my little brother's birthday:
smorescakee 009



  1. K not going to lie, I hate Rachael Ray. BUT I am buying peanut butter smores because of this post. Are you free tomorrow at all? I have baked goods for youuuuu.

  2. Those S&S PB s'mores are the shit. :)

  3. These are the balls. All of the delis nearby sell them and they run out in a matter of hours. I always see grown men eating them.

    I like when you make danishes with wonderful things.

  4. I love Sweet & Sara's coconut marshmallows the best, but the cinnamon pecan and strawberry are really good, too. I'm not a fan of the S'mores. I AM a big fan of Rachael Ray, though! She's had vegan snack of the day before. :)

  5. that cake is so amazing, evan! i gawk anew...

    that's awesome that Sweet And Sara had the snack of the day! not a fan of hers, but i'll watch her on occasion.

  6. Dude! I was totally at a taping of the rachael ray show yesterday. Of course the snack of the day when I was there were non vegan brownies :-(. But let me tell you, that was a crazy fun two hours! The give away was a reusable grocery bag filled with nature's path products, a rachael ray magazine, and two more grocery bags. I officially won't need to buy cereal for another year.

  7. I really wish we could get some of that stuff down here - it looks delicious!

  8. you have the best effin' life--baked goods and endless amounts of coffee. can we be best friends?
