Friday, April 24, 2009

Earth Day Action:Over 500 Vegan Mini-Cupcakes!

i made 288 vanillers

glenn made cute little flags...

my friend glenn gaetz from liberation bc and i baked about 600 vegan mini cupcakes to handout on earth day to raise awareness of veganism and the effects that eating a plant-based diet and cutting out animal products has on the environment.
i made vanilla,glenn made chocolate.
i used sprinkles,glenn had little green 'vegan' flags.
glenn wanted something tangible to handout for earthday besides just leaflets,so i suggested cupcakes,and then went on about how i made 538 in one day when isa was here for taste of health and how easy it was.i didn't think we'd actually end up doing it,but we did!
frosting mini cupcakes is so much fun!i could do it all day.
it wasn't just glenn and i,though!we made the cakes,but there was lots of volunteers and liberation bc members at the "event" doing stuff and helping which was really great,too.
and we even got fellow non-vegan related blog mentions!

whatever could be going on?

oh,well of course!duh.

beautiful hands
here,take one,please!

a swarm of school children,swarming!

they said "thank you" in unison...
but they all said "thank you" in unison as they left!

...vegan....?what are those?

friends love cupcakes!

paul made cupcakes,too!
this is Glenn's friend Paul,and he made cupcakes,too!48 red velvets.

288 of 500 vegan cupcakes for earth day

288 of 500 vegan cupcakes for earth day

288 of 500 vegan cupcakes for earth day


  1. I think it was a really cool action! And your mini-cupcakes look so cute!

  2. I'm really impressed - I've got to ask though, how long did it take you? This is the kind of thing I'd love to so but it takes me long enough to make a few pans of regular cupcakes...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Fabulous, How doth one transport such a quantity?

  5. OMG! I love the last picture - your face says it all! Good job on the Earth day activism!

  6. Oh how I miss your baking!!!!!

  7. This is so awesome!
    Vegan cupcakes represent.
