Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Vegan Mofo:Day 1;peanut butter,230 cookies


Hi there.
Looks like it time for Vegan Mofo again,and this year i'm actually going to participate.I guess I kind of have to since I am staying at Isa's house in the land of vegan...err..ummm...Portland,but anyways,I have a lot to write about about vegan food!Okay,not really,so instead i'm gonna write about peanut butter everyday!F'reals!Best food ever.No disagreeing.None.Don't worry,there'll be a lot of chocolate,too.
peanut butter chocolate bars1
So,this last Friday,Saturday and Sunday was EarthSave Canada's Taste of Health Vegetarian Food Festival.Western Canada's largest!(only?)My 4th festival volunteering.But this year was special.10th year anniversary,with a special Friday night gala,and Isa was coming to cater it and do a cooking demo on Saunday.So Thursday to Sunday I helped cook,bake and do the regular volunteer stuff I would have done.
BUT since i've been around earthsave for a while now,i was commissioned to bake cookies for all of the volunteers.I got paid,and I made 230 cookies!!all last wednesday.they were a hit.
peanut butter chocolate bar2
Chocolate Peanut Butter Granoatla Bars

chocolate chip cookies2

chocolate chip cookies1
Chocolate Chip.

peanut butter oatmeal cookies1
Peanut Butter Oatmeal.
with salted peanuts.isn't that the best?

230 cookies1

230 cookies2

230 cookies3

230 cookies4


  1. HELL YES FOR VEGAN MOFO!!! Haha, love the little photo shoot you did :0)

  2. my favorite, ray ray! job well done.


  3. Peanut butter every day?! Yes please!! Love it!

  4. I think the only thing I love more than peanut butter is chocolate.

  5. Peanut butter! Just give us some yummy pb recipes huh?

  6. Delish! I plan to try my hand at duplicating the Pizza Luce vegan chocolate peanut butter bar this month.

    I'm excited to read more!

  7. I never thought I'd find someone who likes peanut butter more than me. I didn't think it was possible. But apparently it is.

  8. Peanut butter? Everyday? Sounds like a good month of eatin's to me!

  9. Hooray for PB! I hope you do weird combos and tell us what you think (Pb & pickles...) I could live off peanut butter.

  10. Happy MoFo! I'm glad I like peanut butter.

  11. Ummm, yeah, I think I can handle peanut butter every day. I'll survive. I'm mean, obviously! Peanut butter being clearly the best food in the entire world and all. So yeah, I guess I'll get by with only peanut butter posts!

  12. Ooo! A whole month of peanut butter? Can't wait!!

  13. That first picture made my mouth water. Keep the pb coming!

  14. Peanut Butter Oatmeal!!!!! Just ignore the slobber marks from me licking the screen.

  15. Peanut butter is my favorite food EVER. You're my hero.

  16. Wow - good for you for making so many cookies! And I'm looking forward to seeing your p-nut butter posts!

  17. I think you might want to know about this;

    It's intended for us cool dieters, because its really low in calories and such; but I think it has a really high concentrated PB flavor. It's good to add to puddings and whipped creams and things of that nature.

  18. You're doing Mofo from PDX?! You're hardcore! How could people not love the cookies?!
