Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vegan MoFo Day 22:Tricked Out Stuffed Peanut Butter Caramel Apples part 1:Plain Janes

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Peanut Butter Caramel Candied Apples Stuffed with Chocolate Ganche.

part one:plain jane variation.

i made peanut butter caramel but boiled it to soft crack stage so it would be firm enough for apples.coring these was the funnest!
thanks kittee for posting about these on the ppk!there's the non-vegan,non-peanut butter caramel article on them here.

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Please not,this is ONLY part one.
I can't wait for tomorrow!
Here's a taste of what's top come.
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Oh,and a PSA:
I would like to publicly apologize for yesterday not mentioning that is was my good friend Jess who gave me Vegan Indulgence from which I made the Banana Cheesecake from.My friend Ben mentioned how he saw "your friend Get Sconed!'s blog" today when I was with him and I told him all about you.Are you embarrassed yet?
Though,I would NOT like to apologize to the rest of the United States of America for talking about the lack of custard powder because SOMEBODY(who I didn't JUST mention in the last paragraph)was going on about how they couldn't get custard powder.So whatever.

vegan nougat
p.s anybody else try this?I had high hopes,but I thought it really sucked and tasted like nothing.


  1. PB caramel apples stuffed w/ chocolate? YUM!

  2. I heart it!

    Are you trying to embarrass me? What did you tell your friend?

    Those nougats are overrated.

  3. Whyyyy... do I not have the patience to have ever made caramel apples. (Apparantly, something about the coring and the candy-making says "too much work" to me.)

    But I really need to get over that so I can make something like this.

  4. Oh, I want to make these so freakin' badly! I'm glad they turned out so well.

  5. i may give these a shot today. i need a melon baller and some other stuff first. I AM OUT OF PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!!!!! heresy, i know. did you end up balling these with a melon baller or a knife or what?

    yum, heart, yum.

  6. OMG, I want to make these for Halloween! The outside is PB caramel, then you cored them & stuffed them with ganache??
