Monday, October 13, 2008

Vegan MoFo Day 13:Peanut Butter in Art pt.2 Photography

peanut buttered photobooth
a picture is worth a thousand words,amirite?


  1. I like the second one from the top!

  2. oh the silent love affair of peanut butter......
    these looks great....
    really like your pen drawing from the prior post too....
    good luck with school...
    i hope to be going back to get my masters soon :)

  3. i wish my eyes were made out of peanut butter! not fair!

  4. Your left eye is intense.

    When are you going to post about the Earth Balance PB, yo?

  5. your art is a cry for help.

  6. Are all of you comment leavers retarded? This girl looks like she is going to die, not "scandalous."

  7. You always have pictures of you "eating" .. .maybe with a piece of cake in your hand... or here with the peanut butter. It's all a lie. Even vegans aren't supposed to look like ten pound walking corpses. Your family will miss you when you die from anorexia. Seek help.

    Protip: yes, most anorexics are obsessed with food to some degree.
